Top Songs: 21 Dec 2001 

# Artist Song Position This Day Indic Revenue
us uk de fr ca au
1 Mary J Blige Family Affair 2 44 31 11 - 12 138.230
2 Usher U Got It Bad 1 - 36 - - 20 133.713
3 Enrique Iglesias Hero 4 - 6 86 - 8 119.802
4 Nickelback How You Remind Me 3 - 53 - - 3 110.700
5 Jennifer Lopez & Ja Rule I'm Real 10 31 16 90 - 6 103.712
6 Alicia Keys Fallin' 18 29 23 13 - 10 97.973
7 Nelly Furtado Turn Off The Light 5 - 59 - - - 93.907
8 Destiny's Child Emotion 14 32 37 - - 26 87.834
9 P!nk Get The Party Started 6 - - - - - 84.358
10 Enya Only Time 12 - 13 - - - 81.559