Top Albums: 21 Dec 2001 

# Artist Album Position This Day Indic Revenue
us uk de fr ca au
1 Creed Weathered 1 81 18 - - 5 285.678
2 Britney Spears Britney 5 58 14 18 - 26 236.578
3 Pink Floyd Echoes - The Best Of Pink Floyd 16 8 5 - 2 11 218.591
4 Various Artists Now 8 2 - - - - - 215.466
5 Ludacris Word Of Mouth 3 - - - - - 198.212
6 Linkin Park Hybrid Theory 13 24 21 79 6 - 197.140
7 Garth Brooks Scarecrow 4 - - - 4 - 195.120
8 Enrique Iglesias Escape 10 - 8 - 1 49 190.080
9 Enya A Day Without Rain 9 - 7 98 - - 188.636
10 Michael Jackson Invincible 17 49 44 8 - 22 183.295